TYPE S Tailgate LED Light



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Functional Style
Weathers the Storm


No matter how safe or careful you are when you drive, none of us can guarantee how the people around us will act. If you drive a truck and are tired of other drivers refusing to let you in, an LED tail strip may help. Essentially a long bar of light that doubles as a signal board, an LED tail strip can help you drive more safely and with greater confidence.


Why Do I Need a Hook-Up LED Tailgate Light Bar?


The main reasoning behind most tailgate brake light bars is communication. When you drive a large vehicle, it's easy for your signals to get lost in translation. Light bars are a quick and easy way to guarantee that your signals will come through loud and clear.


On a more practical note, light bars are also a good solution for trailers and mobile units. If the lights on the back of your car are hidden for any reason, a light bar can keep you safe. Most light strips have a long cord that lets them sync with the signals you send. It's dangerous to drive when the other cars can't tell what you're doing. A light strip is a good way to quickly solve the issue.


What's the Best Tail Light LED Strip?


The best tailgate brake light bar is one that matches your lifestyle. Look for a bar that can handle the wear and tear of being out on the road. It should also match the length you need to cover and be tough enough to securely fasten to your vehicle.


The TYPE S Tailgate Light Bar is a hardworking, durable bar that syncs with your brake lights, turn signals, and running lights. It's fully weatherproof and comes with a tough adhesive tape that will hold it in place no matter where the road may lead. Despite its durable nature, the TYPE S Tailgate Light Bar is easy to install. With just a few minutes of work, you'll be able to get back on the road immediately!


Working voltage:DC 12V Only
Maximum amperage draw:2A at 12V



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